br. 12. (God. IV.), VII. 1954.


Anti-Frente, str. 2

Anti-Front, str. 2

Croatian Political Unity, str. 3 - 4

The Independent State of Croatia v. Nazism and Fascism, str. 4 - 6

Two Jugoslav Armies, str. 6 - 8

Tito - Ideal of the West, str. 8 - 11

Croatia and Italy, str. 11 - 14

Trieste, str. 14 - 15

Bosnia and Hercegovina as Parts of a Croatian Republic, str. 15 - 16

Croatia in Super-National Combinations, str. 17 - 19

The Military Pact between Greece, Turkey and Jugoslavia, str. 19.

Words and Deeds, str. 19