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of Croatian Studies, XXVIII-XXIX, 1987-88 - Annual Review of the Croatian Academy of
America, Inc. New York, N.Y., Electronic edition by Studia Croatica, by
permission. All rights reserved by the Croatian Academy of America.
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Dadić. (Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1987, pp. 208)
Much was written about Ruđer
Bošković (1711-87) during his lifetime. For most of the nineteenth century
he was less appreciated, but during the last eight decades interest in him has
become universal and intense. This year we commemorate the two hundredth anniversary
of his death. Meetings and symposia about his work have been held in various
cities (e.g. Vienna, Boston Zagreb, Rome and Milan) at which the
"modernity" of his penetrating thought has been examined. Some new
research and interpretations have recently appeared, among them Žarko
Dadić's monograph, which deserves special attention.
Dadić continues the work on
Bošković by other Croatian scholars (F. Rački, V. Varićak, Br.
Truhelka, St. Hondl, B. Borčić and especially Z. Marković). He
has published several studies about Bošković's astronomy and given him
extensive space in the first volume of his History of Natural Sciences in
Croatia (Povijest egzaktnih znanosti u Hrvata, Zagreb 1982). In his
monograph, Dadić describes Bošković's life and particularly the areas
of study in which he distinguished himself. Dadić also gives both the
original Croatian text and its English translation, and he has included
pictures of the edifices and institutions in which he studied and worked, scholars
who preceded him or were his contemporaries, his "dissertations" and
books, documents about him as a French citizen and employee, and letters which
he wrote, such as one to a Polish king begging him to protect his native city
Dubrovnik from the menacing Russian navy. At the end Dadić includes a
basic bibliography on Bošković (121 items). Perhaps it would have been
better if the important dates of Bošković's life were also brought in with
the bibliography of his works and the Index of the persons mentioned in the
monograph. True, chronology is treated in the course of the narrative, but only
incidentally, and it would seem desirable to see it collected at one spot.
Dadić presents Bošković
somewhat differently than, for example, Ž. Marković in his generally
excellent biography, R. Bošković (Zagreb 1968-69). Dadić is
more interested in focusing upon Bošković as a scholar than in giving
details of his turbulent life. He begins sketching three schools of natural
philosophy, those of Aristotle, Descartes, and Newton, reviews science in
Bošković's time. He also presents the situation in Dubrovnik because
Bošković had remained in permanent contact with its prominent citizens, as
well as a substantial discussion of Bošković's attitude toward the scientific
ideas of his contemporaries. Dadić also reviews Theory of Natural
Philosophy (Theoria philosophiae naturalis, Vienna 1758, Venice 1763,
Chicago 1922, Zagreb 1974) in all its aspects, including its influence upon
various scholars from the 18th century onwards. Separate chapters are devoted
to Bošković's contribution to other fields of science.
Though Dadić devoted only one
chapter to Bošković' life, we learn from it a great deal about the
formation of his spiritual, scientific and literary physiognomy, and what led
him from Dubrovnik to Rome, Paris, London, Constantinople, Milan, and again to
Paris and Milan, in which last city he died exhausted by his strenuous work on Optics
and Astronomy (Opera pertinentia ad opticam et astronomiam, five volumes,
Bassano 1785).
In his lifetime Bošković was
made most welcome in England and Scotland. His sister Anica wondered why the
Englishmen, who were mainly Protestant, so much appreciated her brother, a
Catholic and a Jesuit. Soon after his arrival in London in 1760, Bošković became
a member of the Royal Society. He then published his best verse work on the Eclipse
of the Sun and the Moon (De Solis ac Lunae defectibus) which he dedicated
to this society. Later the same poem was translated into French (Les
Eclipses, 1779) and dedicated to Louis XV. In its Preface the author
expressed his jubilation that the Americans had declared their independence
from England, since he viewed this as "the turning point in the history of
mankind". During his stay in the Turkish capital during 1762 he became
sick; on his way back to Rome he travelled with the English ambassador Porter
through Bulgaria, Moldavia and Poland. In his travelogue (Giornale di un
viaggio da Constantinopoli in Polonia, Bassano 1784) he writes that he
understood the Bulgarian peasants who spoke the same Slavic tongue as his own
in Dubrovnik. The English scientists had proposed that he travel as their envoy
to California to observe the transit of Venus in front of the sun. He did not
go there, because the Spaniards refused entrance to their domain to all
Jesuits. In the course of the nineteenth century most was written about
Bošković by English and Scottish scholars like M. Faraday, J.C. Maxwell,
W. Thomson (known as Lord Kelvin) and J.J. Thomson. Probably the best collection
of essays on Bošković, outside Croatia, was prepared by L.L. Whyte
(London, 1961).
Dadić is particularly
interested in ascertaining to what extent Bošković's theories are accepted
nowadays and to what degree they contributed to the astonishing development of
present-day science. We should mention the opinion of two prominent physicists.
Niels Bohr in a symposium at Dubrovnik in 1958 recognized Bošković's major
role in the development of modern science: "He made important
contributions not only in the domain of mathematics and astronomy, but also,
with remarkable imagination and logical power, he developed a systematic
account of the properties of matter. In this respect, Bošković's ideas
have exerted a deep influence on the work of the next generations of physicists".
At the same symposium Werner Heisenberg pointed out that Bošković's ideas
are still present in modern science: "His main work, Theoria
philosophiae naturalis, contains numerous ideas which have reached full
expression only in modern physics of the past fifty years, and which show how
correct were the philosophical views which guided Bošković in his study of
natural sciences".
Though there are scholars who have
elucidated this or that aspect of Bošković's work, Ž. Marković and Ž.
Dadić have treated all fields of his activity. Dadić's book excels in
his logical sequence and clear prose. Though he discusses difficult ideas in
mathematics, philosophy, geodesy, astronomy and architecture, even a layman can
generally follow him.
Now, when the interest in
Bošković is again alive, when there is an abundant literature about his
multifold productivity, when the houses and institutions in which he lived and
worked have been transformed into museums, when we all must know something
about physics, I recommend Dadić's book as an excellent introduction not
only to Bošković but also to natural philosophy from the times of the
peripatetic school of Aristotle until contemporary quantum physics.
1963-1983. By Pedro Ramet. (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1985, pp.
In his informative book, Nationalism
and Federalism in Yugoslavia, 1963-1983, Pedro Ramet successfully applies
the balance of power theory of international politics to the study of relations
among national groups in Yugoslavia. Ramet argues that the Yugoslav federal
system can best be understood as a system of shifting alliances in which
republics, like states in the international arena, follow empirical rules of behavior
designed to enhance their own interests and prevent the emergence of a
"hegemonic actor." The balance of power model seems particularly apt
for explaining the Yugoslav political system with its six republics, two
autonomous provinces, and myriad collective institutions, and Ramet employs the
model skillfully. Although
it may not explain everything he claims, it nevertheless provides an innovative
framework for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the Yugoslav federal
system and a useful heuristic tool for the study of other multinational
The book is divided into three
main sections. The first section elaborates the balance of power system of
Yugoslav federalism which Ramet borrows from Morton Kaplan's model of
interstate relations. Ramet argues that Yugoslav federalism evolved in the mid
1960's from a loose bipolar system polarized along Serb-Croat or north-south
lines, to a balance of power system in which all federal units were of roughly
equal strength. By freeing himself from a dualistic view of Yugoslav politics,
Ramet is better able to capture the complexity of Yugoslav politics and explain
such "cross-over" alliances as support from southern republics for
"northern" liberal reforms in 1965. Ramet then investigates how
coalition-building among republics affects the outcome of issues like economic
reforms, taxes, banking, the construction of railways and roads, and national
demands for greater political autonomy. For the most part, these cases are
carefully researched and presented, though some portions of the book are more thorougly documented than others. Ramet's
analysis of the 1971 crisis in Croatia is especially good and may well be the
best account to date of this little studied event. Finally, Ramet evaluates the
effect of the balance of power system on Yugoslav politics. He concludes that
despite its periodic lapses into "acerbic conflict", the Yugoslav
federal system is relatively stable and effective; the balance of power system
provides a flexible mechanism for regulating conflict, tempering the
competition generated by republics seeking to maximize their own gains with the
cooperation required to prevent any one of them from predominating.
Ramet's use of the balance of power
framework to explain Yugoslav federalism is illuminating, but it has several
weaknesses. Some of them are inherent in the balance of power model itself, and
will be familiar to students of international politics, and others stem from
Ramet's application of the model to the Yugoslav setting. Although Ramet uses
the loose bipolar system as his basis of comparison, he never explains this
system's features, or how it operates in Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1965.
Moreover, despite claims that his model will elucidate empirical rules
governing the transformation of the political system (a claim that becomes
important when considering this model's useful predictive value), Ramet
somewhat un-systematically treats the shift from one system to the other in the
mid-sixties. He argues that economic reforms led to a decentralization of
political power which, by giving more power to the four other republics (in
addition to Serbia and Croatia), produced a balance of power system; this view
misses the essence of the reforms and derogates the role of the communist
party. Although they are the two largest republics, Croatia and Serbia did not
dominate the other less powerful republics in the 1945 to 1953 period, and thus
cannot be considered the two "superpowers" in a bipolar system.
Rather, all the republics were equally powerless and subordinated to the
centralized control of the communist party, even after limited decentralization
gave the local communes more authority over economic decision making in the
early fifties. The reforms a decade later produced what Ramet characterizes as
a balance of power system because they devolved considerable power to all
federal units for the first time, not because they strengthened several
hitherto insignificant units.
A more serious shortcoming of the
balance of power view of Yugoslav federal relations is that, while it can tell
us a great deal about relations between federal units, it tells us little about
what goes on within those units. Critics of the balance of power theory of international
relations argue that its one-dimensional picture of state behavior based on
calculations of national interest neglects the effects of domestic political
processes on foreign policy. The same criticism can be applied to Ramet's
analysis since he similarly asserts that an ethnic actor, or federal unit, can
be treated as having a monolithic interest based on enhancing its economic and
political position in the federation. This problematic proposition leads Ramet
to assert falsely, for example, that the Ustaša and the Croat Peasant Party had
virtually identical political goals in the interwar period. Moreover, the most
interesting and informative part of Ramet's book, his discussion of the
factional disputes leading up to the 1971 Croatian crisis and the 1980 revolt
in the Kosovo, fall completely outside his analytical framework. On occasion
some assumptions of the balance of power model catch Ramet in the related trap
of attributing motives to "actors" that complement the model's
behavioral rules. The balance of power literature often mistakenly
characterizes statesmen as motivated by the desire to equilibrate power and
asserts that they understand their actions in this fashion. Ramet, similarly,
makes the misleading suggestion that the Communist Party of Yugoslavia created
Montenegro as a concession to the balance of power (pp. 115), though Communist
leaders clearly never intended Yugoslav federal arrangements to function as a
balance of power system.
The conclusions we are to draw
from Ramet's analysis are difficult to discern. Although he points to the
generally stabilizing influence of the balance of power system in Yugoslavia,
arguing for example that the system has remained almost untouched by Tito's
death, Ramet is not sanguine about its future. Like many analysts of Yugoslav
politics, he worries that Albanian nationalism in the Kosovo may undermine the
present federal system and is skeptical that the balance of power mechanism can
resolve this problem. One might justifiably ask why the Yugoslav federal system
is more seriously threatened by the events in the Kosovo than the Croatian
crisis in 1971. The answer, I think, leads to a different conclusion than the
one above posited by Ramet. In 1971, Tito as the ultimate arbiter (or in
Ramet's words the universal actor), was still strong enough to prevent the
Croatian crisis from challenging the entire system. With his passing from the
scene, central authority has been so weakened that it cannot intervene to set
the limits of legitimate national or republic demands. The balance of power
system of the 1970's Ramet describes has been fundamentally altered as a
result. This is not to suggest that the Yugoslav federal system will be undone
by the challenges it now faces; but one wishes that Ramet's balance of power
model had provided more substantial clues about how it will evolve.
Nevertheless, this well informed book contributes greatly to an understanding
of Yugoslav politics and is a stimulating analysis of a balance of power
politics in a multinational society.
Harvard University
EUROPE, vol. XIX. Béla K. Király and Nándor F. Dreisziger, eds. (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1985), pp. 628, maps.
This is a massive book comprised
of thirty-seven essays by as many different authors, and, like all collections,
it is difficult to assess. There are a number of specious criticisms that could
be made with regard to uniformity of treatment, lack of focus, and redundancy,
but they are the sorts of observation that could be made of any collection of
essays by authors as different in their background and approach as Dániel I.
Szabó of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest and Glenn E. Torrey of
Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. In fact, the very diversity of
authors and approaches is one of the strengths of the collection, which
consists largely of essays from the XIV Conference on Society in Change, held
at the Bellagio Research and Conference Center of the Rockefeller Foundation at
Lake Como in September 1983. This volume, like the conference, is part of a
series sponsored by Brooklyn College, and seeks, as Béla Király notes in his
introduction, to move away from "a narrow focus on battles, campaigns, and
leaders" and instead view "a country's military history in the
context of the evolution of the entire society," since "military
institutions closely reflect the character of the society of which they are a
part." (p. xi) The intent therefore is to understand "how the process
of social, economic, political, and technological change, as well as changes in
the sciences and in international relations, influenced the development of
doctrines of national defense and altered actual practice ..." The essays
thus deal with both the "home front" and "military affairs,"
and offer data on the officer corps, the rank and file, the civilian and war
economies, and "the origins of the East Central European brand of
militarism," among other things.
It is therefore against the intent
of the editor that this work should probably be measured, to see whether it
indeed avoids too narrow a focus and approaches military questions in a
broader, societal context. One way to do so is to note what is included and
what omitted in the most general sense of countries and nationalities covered.
Of the 37 essays, 7 totalling 75 pages are devoted to Poland; 7 totalling 99
pages to the Habsburg Empire and army; 5 for 48 pages to Hungary; 5 for 68
pages to Romania; 3 for 54 pages to Serbia; 3 for 38 pages to Bulgaria; 2 for
31 pages to the Ottoman Empire; 2 for 24 pages to the Czechs; 2 for 55 to the
general topic of the "home front"; and 1 for 7 to an essay on the
general military situation. But it seems odd that the Czechs rate almost as
much space as the Ottomans; odder still that Romania and Serbia rate more
pages, if not more articles, than Hungary. Moreover, it is troubling that there
are no articles dealing with Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Albania and Slovakia.
Why this should be is difficult to
fathom, unless the editors and authors views the war retrospectively — as
something that created the "successor states," and whose sole
importance in "East Central Europe" was the creation of these new
states. And that does seem to be the case, judging from Dreisziger's introductory
piece, in which he fails to distinguish between "nations" and
"states," treats the Czechs and Poles as if their roles were somehow
similar to that of the Serbian state, and concludes that in East Central Europe
the "supreme idea" of World War I was "national independence."
(pp. 4-7, 12-13) Interestingly, Dreisziger also seems to regret the war's
reinforcement of national "particularisms," and he considers
"nationalistic emotions" as a "strongly negative"
consequence of the war. (pp. 11, 22-23)
However, in his concluding remarks
on the collection, Fischer-Galati seems to adopt a position diametrically
opposed to that of Dreisziger when he notes that, "The most remarkable
feature of the military actions of World War I in East Central Europe was the
dedication of the rank and file to the causes for which they fought." (p.
595) In other words, the masses had little political consciousness, did not
care about their "national liberation," and in Austria-Hungary,
Kaisertreue "overshadowed" calls to national liberation. (p. 595)
Moreover, Fischer-Galati not only stresses that "the forces supportive of
national liberation of co-nationals were just as responsible" as the
Germans for the war, but he notes that the "successor states" at most
played an "auxiliary and subordinate" role to the major combatants,
and that the military defeat of the Central Powers was not caused by
"traditional social and national conflicts," since these were all
"put on ice" until the war's end. Finally, he notes that the war
failed to solve the "historic social, political and economic
problems" of the region. (pp. 593-597) While that is also essentially the
conclusion reached by Spence in his excellent essay on the Yugoslav role in the
Habsburg army, it is at considerable variance with many of the other essays,
which are definitely nationalistic in tone.[1]
There is a great deal of
fascinating data here — for example, Erendil's observation that the Turks had
to import horses to pull their artillery since their own were too small (p.
372) — but the collective impact will not be great because Dreisziger contents
himself with summarizing the various essays and setting them against Arthur
Marwick's model, rather than critiquing them and comparing them analytically.[2]
There is thus not enough effort to
speculate, for example, on Stokes' interesting piece on the Serbian army and
Milan Obrenović. Yet Stokes' observation that the Serbian officers saw
themselves as the progressive element in the state and distrusted politicians
is highly reminiscent of the attitude of the Latin American military, and puts
the 1903 assassination of Alexander and Draga Obrenović in a wider, and
more interesting, context. The creation of Narodna odbrana in 1908 and
of Ujedinjenje ili smrt in 1911, and the entitling of the latter's
newspaper Pijemont, is also reminiscent of the revolutionary
organizations created by Mazzini and other 19th century radicals, and clearly
took the Italian Risorgimento as a model — a significant choice given the
militaristic cast of the Savoy monarchy and the Italian state.
Djordjević's piece on Serbia
is interesting as a brief history of military operations, and noteworthy for
its mini-biographies of Putnik and other Serbian leaders, as well as its
discussions of Potiorek's problems in 1914. He also does a nice job of placing
the Niš declaration in context, noting that it came after the military
successes at Mount Cer and the Kolubara in late 1914. This somewhat clarifies
Živojinović's essay, which tends to be a bit too patriotic at times, and
to repeat some of the traditional points of view. Indeed, he is not only
content with official Serbian casualty figures (615,290 military and 600,000
civilians), but he reiterates the traditional view that the French saved the
Serbian army, even though the Italians employed 45 steamers to 25 French and 11
British; made 440 voyages, to 101 French and 19 British; and accounted for
130,000 tons to 45,000 French and 30,000 British.[3]
Not only are such questions left
unasked, and some obvious connections missed as a result of the format of the
collection, but the tendency to separate the book into "home front"
and "military affairs" in some ways goes against the intention of the
editors of integrating military history in-to a broader societal context, and
also leads to a certain amount of undesirable redundancy and makes it difficult
for the reader to compare essays on similar topics. For example, while Mamatey
deals with the Czechs under the rubric of "home front," Kalvoda does
so in the section on "military affairs." Yet both conclude that the
Czechs tended to work within the context of the Habsburg Empire for
state-rights and most served the Dual Monarchy loyally, despite efforts by the
émigrés and Russia to use them against Austria-Hungary. (pp. 104-107, 420-432)
Similarly, Torrey's two essays on Romania, of which the one dealing with the
impact of Romania's entry into the war is by far the better, could probably
have been combined, as could the essays on the Polish military by Ratajczyk,
Dudek and Kozlowski, which repeat much of the same information, as do the
essays on the Habsburg army by Decsy and Rothenberg.
On the other hand, the interesting
essay on the industrial revolution in the Balkans by Berend and Ránki — who
conclude that the Balkans had remained "preindustrial" — does not
overlap enough with the other pieces, although there is some sense of
continuity since Haselsteiner's essay on the Austro-Hungarian economy follows —
but is not integrated with Pastor's on the Hungarian economy. In any event, it
would have been nice had the authors made allusions regarding the effect of the
war on foreign capital (and the absence of foreign capital on the war efforts
of certain belligerants), of rail
systems on troop movements, of weak banking and agricultural structures on
feeding and arming the various armies, and so on. There are, nonetheless,
fascinating bits of data, e.g., Haselsteiner's observation that by 1918 the
Habsburg army was getting only 300 grams of flour and 100 grams of meat daily,
and Plaschka's that the civilian population was getting only 165 grams of bread
and 17 grams of meat daily. (pp. 87-89, 341-342) And Pastor notes that in
Hungary women were increasingly drawn into the workforce, and even 300,000
Russian and Serbian POWs were impressed as laborers, while rent control,
unemployment benefits, and "state capitalism" were all introduced as
a result of the war — thus bearing out the material in Hardach's study on World
War I economies.[4]
Szabó's use of jokes and songs to
assess Hungarian morale is also fascinating, but his conclusion that
resistance, although widespread, never became active hardly comforting, even
though it reinforces Hajder's essay. (136-140, 118-119) Kozlowski's observation
that Bethmann Hollweg saw the Polnische Wehrmacht as so much can-non fodder to
"save the lives of a million German soldiers" and "ensure the
submission of the Poles" reinforces the stereotype of the Germans (p.
471), but Noykov's essay on German blunders during the campaign in Serbia, and
the German refusal to drive the Entente out of Greece, merely in order to tie
more Entente troops down there — as well as German scapegoating of their
allies, whether Bulgarian or Austrian — casts some doubt on the actual prowess
of German arms and genius, especially given the drubbing administered Mackensen
by the Romanians in 1917 during the Battle of Mărăşeşti.
(pp. 403-424, 521-523, 293-294) Indeed, the essays on Romania by Ceausescu and
Torrey suggest that the Romanian role has been grossly underestimated, and the
pieces on Bulgaria by Noykov and Damianov that the Bulgarian role has yet to be
Unfortunately, while this is an
interesting collection — and essential reading for anyone intrigued by World
War I — it contains very little for those seeking information on Slovenians, Croatians,
Slovaks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Ruthenians, Albanians, Greeks or
Italians. Of course, an argument can be made for ignoring the Baltic peoples,
given their northerly location; and another for giving short shrift to the
Italians, given their Latin and Mediterranean orientation. Yet the Baltic
peoples are part of East Central Europe — as the Polish-Lithuanian dispute over
Vilna demonstrated — just as the Russians and Germans are. And the Italians had
a vested interest in Zadar, Split, Istria, Valona, Durazzo and the Dodecanese
Islands, while the Italian front became the major Austro-Hungarian front. As
Farkas notes in his essay, "the flower of Hungarian manhood" perished
on the Isonzo front (p. 337), and Deák (pp. 307-310), Spence (p. 363), and
Rothenberg cannot ignore the Isonzo front. Indeed, Rothenberg sees the Brusilov
offensive of 1916 as the "turning point" for Austria-Hungary, but the
failure against Italy in June 1918 as having "deprived the army of its
last hope." (pp. 293-297) Of course, the Italians are an inconvenience,
and Deák ignores them, preferring to credit their victory to the
"Entente" (p. 309-310), while Rothenberg considers Karl's manifesto
of 16 October 1918 — not the battle of Vittorio Veneto — to have been the
"final blow" (p. 297). Perhaps, but Gatti and other Italian sources
would not agree with some of the easy generalizations in these essays.[5]
For those interested in Croatian
history, this collection is a disappointment. Of the various articles, the most
interesting in this sense is that by Spence, who examines the
"Yugoslav" presence in the Habsburg army. There is relatively little
new here, but his exposition is clear and interesting. If Croats were
underrepresented in the army, they were over-represented in the navy,
comprising 31% of the seamen and 10% of the officers — and thus important
during the 1-3 February 1918 mutiny at Kotor, a subject also dealt with by
Plaschka. Prior to the war Conrad had considered the Croats — along with the
Slovenes, Muslims and Germans — as "completely reliable," and indeed,
Croatian units from Slavonija and Muslims from Bosnia fought well against the
Serbians in 1914-15, and with the Slovenes, remained loyal until 29 October
1918, when Zagreb's Narodno Vijeće undercut Borojević's efforts to
establish a "Yugoslav" front on the Isonzo river. Not surprisingly,
these three groups had the lowest desertion rates and the highest casualty
rates per capita of population, the Slovenes losing 28 military dead per 1,000
population, the Croats from 17.1 to 25.7, and the Muslims up to 39.5 — figures
that should be set against a 16.9 rate for Serbs in the Habsburg army. (pp.
355-363, 346-347, 307) It is thus clear that the Croats, Slovenes and Muslims
made up the bulk of the 300,000 "Yugoslav" casualties Spence
estimates were suffered during the war. And if the figures for civilian rations
are taken into account, it would seem that the Croats, Slovenes, Muslims and
Serbs in the Dual Monarchy suffered even more than Tomašević has
6 Unfortunately, there is too little attention paid "minor"
nationalities in this collection, and the focus is thus not as wide as it might
Overall, then, the essays do not
quite come up to the standards set by the editors, but there are some excellent
pieces in the collection, and if the reader takes the time to work through the
individual essays there is a great deal to be learned. The editors are, in any
case, to be commended for their effort to integrate military history into a
broader context, and if some of the contributors contented themselves with more
traditional approaches, the juxtaposition of articles gives them a breath they
would not otherwise have. In short, if you are interested in Croatia, this book
is of little interest; but if you are interested in the history of World War I,
this is something to put on your reading list.
LIVRE, Henrik Heger and Janine Matillon eds. (Paris, Presses de l' Université
de Paris-Sorbonne, 1986, pp. 117)
The first international symposium
of studies on Croatian culture was held at the Sorbonne in December 1983. Its
theme was "Croatians and the Civilization of the Book". The second on
the Croatian writer A.G. Matoš, the third on Middle Ages, and the fourth on
Renaissance were also held at the Sorbonne in December 1984, 1985, and 1986.
The proceedings of the first
symposium comprise nine papers. In the first one Josip Bratulić, professor
at the University of Zagreb, commemorates the first Croatian book published in
1483. In portraying the precarious situation of the Croatian lands at the time
of the appearance of the first Croatian printed book, which was a Glagolitic
missal, the author recalls both Pop Martinac 's description of the terrible
Turkish invasion at the end of the 15th century and the Germanic invasion of
the Balkan Peninsula reported by Saint Jerome at the end of the 4th century.
The similarity is striking. By stressing Saint Jerome's influence and stature
among Croatian intellectuals through the centuries, Bartulić helps to
explain the atmosphere in which the first printed book was born.
Aleksandar Stipčević,
professor at the University of Zagreb, discusses the production of manuscript
books during the 15th century and shows Croatia's peculiar situation as a
crossroads of the Latin and Byzantine worlds and as a meeting place of the West
European spirit with the Slavic nation. Following Gutenberg's invention German
printers appeared in many European countries as the first printers, but in Croatian
regions Croatians were the first to practice the new art, because foreigners
did not know how to handle the unusual Glagolitic characters.
Franjo Šanjek, professor at the
Catholic Theological School in Zagreb, examines the circulation of books in 15th
and 16th century Croatia. He notes two outstanding libraries: the Dominican
Library in Dubrovnik and the Archdiocesan Library in Zagreb (also known as the
Metropolitan Library). The first occupies a prominent place in Croatia by its
manuscripts and incunabula; the second one enjoys the privilege of being the
oldest. Beside the institutional libraries there were many individuals —
writers, notaries, merchants and artisans — who compiled personal libraries,
especially in Dalmatian coastal cities. Among many volumes in Croatian
collections, we shall mention only the treatise De sphaera mundi,
written by the English mathematician and astronomer John Halifax (or Holywood
translated as Sacrobosco). The author concludes that the Croatians were
exceptionally familiar with West European publications.
Franjo Zenko, professor of
philosophy at Zagreb University, established a connection between the printed
books and the history of philosophy in Croatia. He noticed that Franjo
Marković, one of his predecessors in his Department of philosophy and
founder of the historiography of philosophy in Croatia, stated in 1881 that the
Croatian philosophers from the 15th to the 18th century were completely
disregarded. While the works of the contemporary writers became an integral
part of Croatian literature, the philosophical works were not a part of the
Croatian cultural patrimony. Mr. Zenko cites several historical and ideological
reasons why those philosophical works had to wait for a national awakening in
the 19th century, but notes that even then they were not made part of the
national heritage because they were written in Latin. Perhaps these Croatian
philosophers have still to wait for future better days, because philosophy is
more universal than national.
Leo Košuta, librarian at the
Bibliothčque Nationale of Paris, portrays the tumultuous destiny of a Latin
book written by Marko Marulić, De institutione bene vivendi per exempla
sanctorum (1507). During more than one hundred years the book had 45
editions and was translated into six languages. In it Marulić teaches
moral principles illustrated by examples taken from the Bible and the lives of
saints. For many years the book was used by the Jesuits as spiritual reading.
It was very much appreciated by Saint Francis Xavier. On the other hand, some
passages were censured by the Inquisition. Mr. Košuta aptly describes its ups
and downs, supporting his presentation with many and extensive footnotes, which
leave the impression that more can be discovered about Marulić's book.
Marulić was known in Europe also for his other Latin books, which during
two centuries saw more than fifty editions.
In a short report Professor
Stanislav Tuksar, associated with the South Slavic Academy of Arts and Sciences
in Zagreb, examines for the first time the musical scores printed in Europe
between the end of the 15th century and the year 1815 and found in the Croatian
archives. This study was based on the examination of 34 musical archives.
Mirko Tomasović, professor of
the University of Zagreb, analyzes number of Moličre's plays translated into
Croatian in Dubrovnik during the 18th century. Most of those translations were
adaptations. In order to show the extent of the changes made by the translator,
Tomasović compares the French original comedy Georges Dandin ou le Mari
confondu with the Croatian version Ilija aliti Muž zabezožen. Not
only names but local, social, and historical allusions were changed in
accordance with the tradition of older comic writers in Renaissance Dubrovnik.
At the same time the translator strictly adheres to the French original when it
is a matter of universal human thoughts and feelings. This paper brings to life
the atmosphere of an old Slavic Dubrovnik enjoying the French classical spirit
more than fifty years after Moličre's death.
Professor Mirko Dražen Grmek,
professor at the Parisian École des Hautes Etudes writes on the
beginnings of scientific publications among the Croatians. The first such book
was printed in Venice in 1507 by a physician from Zadar, Federik
Grisogono-Bartulačić, and dealt with astronomy. It was written in
Latin as were all other such books until the beginning of the 19th century.
Such books were sporadically written in Italian or German, but not in Croatian.
Latin was the language used in all Croatian schools and used for almost all
scholarly activities. The only exceptions were popular medical works that were
aimed at a general public. Professor Grmek presents several publications of
this kind published in Northern Croatia in Kajkavian dialect and in Southern
Croatia in Shtokavian-Ikavian, mostly compiled by secular or religious priests.
All those books were published during the epoch of the Enlightenment, when
dedicated clergy tried to educate their people. Most of them were Franciscans
inspired by Andrija Kačić Miošić, who at that time published his
Pleasant Instruction of the Croatian People (1756). Some of them even
chose to present rules of health in verses, just as Kačić did for
The facsimile in color of a page
taken from the Glagolitic missal of 1483 appears on the front cover of the
book, while the back cover carries the facsimile also in color of a Latin
manuscript in which Georges d'Esclavonie tells his French colleagues in the
15th century that his alphabet is Croatian (Istud alphabetum est chrawaticum).
Thus a few centuries before the internationalism 'cravat', a word for necktie
in several European languages was born (1651), one can see its origin in the
ethnic Croata.
The participants of the symposium
dealt with a short but distant period of time, the second part of the 15th
century, under different but similar aspects. Therefore some repetitions occur
here and there. All the contributions are very valuable, first of all for the
high scholarly spirit in which they were composed, and then for the fact that
for the first time Croatians, a dismembered nation, engulfed in bigger
political entities like Austrian and Turkish Empires, Venetian Commonwealth or
Yugoslav Federation, was presented in its national cultural unity. A great deal
of credit is thus due to Dr. Henrik Heger who has centered these symposia
around the Croatian cultural area, faire culturelle croate, and helped to show
that even a small nation, in spite of tumultuous political vicissitudes, can
survive through its culture for more than a millenium.
Kadić. (Chicago: ZIRAL, 1986, pp. 427).
The presence of Ante Kadić, Professor Emeritus of Slavic languages and literatures, has been felt in the field of South Slavic literatures for many years. After Albert Lord of Harvard University, Kadić is the most prolific scholar in that field, especially in Croatian literature, in the United States of America. His many books and even more numerous articles, in both Croatian and English, attest to his industriousness and wide erudition. Among his most notable achievements are the collections of essays From Croatian Renaissance to Yugoslav Socialism (The Hague, 1969), Domovinska riječ, I (Barcelona, 1983), Essays in South Slavic Literatures (New Haven, 1988). Even more important— perhaps the most important—is his tireless preoccupation with, and writing about, South Slavic literatures in English at the time when relatively few scholars had the ability, time, or desire to do so. In the eventual history of Yugoslavistics in the English-speaking world Kadić will be recognized as one of the most important pioneers.
Domovinska riječ, II follows
the pattern of the first volume under the same title. Consisting of twenty four
essays, either historical or analytical or both, the book covers the wide span
of subjects: from Croatian to Bulgarian literatures; from the eighteenth
century to the present; and from poets to fiction writers and playwrights.
Kadić approach to writing displays a similar variety: the strictly
scholarly writing is at times spelled by a less formal approach resembling
travelogue that is both informative and refreshing. Many of these articles have
been previously published in periodicals, most notably in Hrvatska revija,
but because periodicals are not always readily accessible, the publication of
these essays in one book is most welcome.
By far the largest majority of
essays pertains to Croatian literature, which is not surprising since it has
always been the closest to the author's heart, as he says, "Even though I
am an American citizen, Croatia is my fatherland." The recipient of the
greatest attention is—again, not surprising— Miroslav Krleža. In four essays
Kadić deals with Lasić's Kronologija of Krleža's life and work,
Krleža's writings about Križanić, the mutilated English translation of Na
rubu pameti, and the author's "nocturnal conversations" with
Krleža. Among other authors depicted are Matoš, A.B. Simić, Mirko
Božić, Marijan Matković, Drago Ivanišević, Vlado Gotovac, and
Ivan Raos. Of general themes, Kadić deals with Croatian Latinists,
Croatian humor, and Croatian émigré writers' poems about the sea. Several of
the essays contain autobiographical elements, especially "U Krugu je bio početak,"
where the author speaks of his early days, revealing not only his visceral
attachment to the native soil, but also a surprising narrative facility.
It is difficult to rank these
essays concerning their quality and significance. To this reviewer,
"Čakavska poezija Drage Ivaniševića" and "Moji
'nočni' razgovori sa sjenom Miroslava Krleže" seem to carry the most
weight; the first because of its scholarly treatment, and the second because of
the original mixture of critical observation and personal, noticeably emotional
reactions to the greatest contemporary Croatian writer shortly before his
death. Worth mentioning is also the essay "I hrvatski emigranti su pjevali
o moru", because relatively little is written about émigré writers even
abroad, let alone in Yugoslavia. Other essays offer tidbits of the author's
keen observations and originality. The most important judgment of this book,
however, should be based on its totality, for only then can the contribution of
Ante Kadič to the American scholarship concerning South Slavic literatures
be fully measured. Domovinska riječ, II is an integral and
significant part of that judgment.
University of North Carolina —
Chapel Hill
(San Pedro, CA, Zora Marov Publishing Co., 1984, pp. 885). Translated from
Croatian by Zora Marov; first written in Croatian by Zora Marov. Orders: Zora
Marov Publishing Co., 1572 Stonewood Court, San Peddro, CA 90731. Price $20.00.
In this novel of almost 900 pages
the writer gives an account of the seven years of her life, between the ages of
eighteen and twenty six. Her main purpose is not to write a partial
autobiography but to present the plight of Croatia as she herself concludes:
"I have written this book for the sole purpose of letting the world know:
we Croats exist." (p. 885)
Her story starts in spring 1941,
when, as a senior in high school, she was studying for her matura, the
final examination in a Gymnasium for girls in Zagreb. But her studies were
interrupted when World War Two started in Yugoslavia on April 6, 1941. Although
the war lasted about a week, the civil war that ensued lasted until the very
end of WW2 in Europe, finishing only in May 1945.
A native of the town of Komiža
(here called Koral) on the Island of Vis (here called Vali) in Dalmatia, she
describes those four years in Zagreb, Split and Komiža: in Zagreb, the capital
of the newly established Independent State of Croatia, and in Split and Komiža,
as annexed territories to Mussolini's Italy. In spring 1945, fleeing before
Tito's Partisans, she took refuge with her sister in Graz, Austria.
In June 1945 when communications
with Communist Yugoslavia were restored, she was on the first train going home.
One year later, disappointed in what she had found in the new Yugoslavia, she
returned to Graz with her mother, both of them determined to start a new life
as emigrants. After an adventurous crossing of the Yugoslav-Austrian border,
mother and daughter arrived safely in Graz. Zora went into a refugee camp
(Kellerberg), where she spent two months. Later on her mother joined her own
brother in Canada.
After a three night and four day
train ride through Germany with 800 other refugees, Zora crossed the Atlantic
from Bremerhaven, Germany, to Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, aboard the U.S. ship
"General Sturgis". With a small group of Croatians, a Slovenian, a
Serbian and a Polish couple, she landed in a refugee camp (Trompillo). A short
while later the group dispersed to search for work. After an adventurous two
years in Venezuela, she was invited by her mother to join her in Canada. Her
Sister Vinka was also about to leave Austria with her family for Canada so that
the family could be together again. The writer concludes: "That was all that
mattered, to be together and wait until the homeland was free of
Comunism." (p. 880) Sometime in 1948 Zora boarded the plane for Canada. At
that point the seven year story ends.
As far as I was able to find out,
sometime later Miss Marov moved to the U.S. and settled in San Pedro,
California, where she married a Croatian emigrant from her beloved Island of
Vis. Today she lives in San Pedro, California.
The narration of Zora's youthful
years and of the romances of her six girl friends take up the main part of the
book. She herself fell in love twice: first with a Moslem from Sarajevo, then
with a Dalmatian from Split. Both were killed during the civil war fought
between Ustashas, Partisans and Chetniks. Zora was dominated by two main
concerns: a very strained relationship between her parents and her idealized
love for Croatia, her fatherland caught in the struggle among domestic and
foreign factions. In the long descriptions of her girl friends' social lives,
the writer tries to illustrate the advantages of traditional Croatian values.
While dealing with changing political situations, she makes a point to supply
the reader with pertinent historical explanations. Those digressions seem to be
insufficient for the reader who is not acquainted with Croatian history. One or
more detailed maps would help, particularly since the writer's geography is not
very clear (cf. the travel between towns Klis-Knin-Imotski-Senj on pp.
601-606). She is very partial to the Ustasha regime and ignores its misdeeds,
whereas she portrays the Chetniks and the Partisans, especially female
Partisans (586), as the purest incarnation of evil.
This novel seems to be the first
presentation of the turmoil of WW2 on Croatian soil from a Croatian point of
view. For forty years the present Yugoslav regime has constantly blamed the
Independent State of Croatia for most of the atrocities perpetrated during
those dreadful four years. Aware of the well known Roman saying Vae victis
(Woe to the vanquished) Miss Marov tries to compensate for the exaggerations of
the victors. It explains her procedure, but does not justify it.
In speaking about her girl
friends, their parents and relatives, she gives the impression that, at that
time, there was a large Croatian nobility. She herself belongs rather to the
bourgeois class. Although, in comparison with American society, there is a
stronger class feeling among most Europeans, the Croatian old nobility is
practically non existent. In Croatia the main class distinction exists mostly
between peasantry and town people (seljaci i gospoda).
The relation of events is
interspersed with fitting philosophical observations that illustrate the
writer's personal views. There are some beautiful scenic descriptions of
Dalmatian landscapes in connection with the Adriatic Sea. All of chapter 34 is
a graphic account of the end of war in Graz during the arrival of the Soviet
army. Here she is less biased than when she speaks of Yugoslav Partisans,
calling them wild Huns.
Miss Marov impresses the reader
with her well-rounded education and her knowledge of several languages. Yet the
mistakes found in her foreign terms are too numerous. We shall quote just a few
of them with the correct form and the page in parentheses: Bremenhaffen
(Bremerhaven 772), Carobigneri (carabinieri 56...), compania (compagnia 277),
corragio (corraggio 805), Daniel Darieoux (Danielle Darrieux 654), delicioso
(delizioso 384), Giovani (Giovanni 116), Giuseppi (Giuseppe 649), in fragranti
(in flagranti 262), Keiser Karlo (Kaiser Karl 763), Keiser Kruft (Kaiser Gruft
174), Marescialo (maresciallo 204...), morir (mourir 115), paterfamilia
(paterfamilias 410), perque (perché 222), Tesere (tessere 231), torida (corrida
The author tells us that her novel
was first written in Croatian and then translated into English. Generally
speaking the English language in the book is idiomatic, rather colloquial, but
some expressions or constructions indicate that the translator misinterpreted
the Croatian original or simply anglicized the Croatian terms. We shall list a
dozen of those cases with our translations and the page in parentheses with
points of suspension when the term is found more than once: channelization
(system of drains 154), composition (assembled railroad cars 756), desert
(deserted place or uninhabited region 590...), figure (silhouette, shape 321),
forest (political underground 279...), frock (tuxedo 464), index (university
student's booklet 372), liquer (liqueur or cordial 329), marine officer (naval
officer 125...), scriptus (notes or mimeographed course materials 372), we
toasted to the celebrator with champagne (we toasted the honoree with champagne
470); `honoree' being less frequent than the Croatian equivalent svečar.
Miss Marov wrote several
interesting pages about her father whom she adored and her mother whom she only
respected. No matter what one thinks of her feelings and ideas, this book is a
confession, a human document. In spite of her biased point of view the writer
has succeeded in describing the inhuman atmosphere of a terrible civil war, the
senselessness of the Italian occupation of purely Croatian lands and the deep
devotion of a Croatian girl to her nation.
[1] Spence notes that, "Yugoslav disaffection did not bring down the Habsburg Monarchy, nor could Yugoslav loyalty have saved it." (p. 364)
[2] Dreisziger notes that Marwick's model is basically for the home front, but extends it to the military. The model consists of four "dimensions" under which phenomena are analyzed: (1) destructive-disruptive elements, e.g., bombing of industrial plant, disruption of transport systems and banking, etc.; (2) "tests," or those things that stress the system in whole or part; (3) "participation," e.g., the tendency to allow the "lower" classes or "inferior" ethnic groups into the officer class; and (4) "pyschological," e.g., the strengtening of ingroup loyalties. How all this works is not as clear as the model would indicate. For example, while nationalistic particularisms were supposedly exacerbated by the war, they were also put "on ice" during the conflict, exploding after the war. It would thus seem that if the Croatians were upset with the Austrians and Hungarians between 1914 and 1918, they still fought loyally for Kaiser and Kanig, then vented their anger on the Serbian state after 1919 ... But then, most authors seem to have been unaware of the model.
[3] Ministero đellaMarina, The Italian Navy in the World War, 1915-1915, Facts and Figures (Rome, 1927), passim. The Italian troops in Valona and Macedonia are also generally ignored, even though there were around 150,000 or so by 1918.
[4] Gerd Hardach, The First World War, 1914-1918 (Berkeley: University of California Pr., 1977), passim, is the best, if an incomplete, synthetic study of the economics of the major powers in World War I.
[5] One of the most vociferous defenses of the Italian war effort is Angelo Gat-ti's La parte dell'Italia. Rivendicazioni (Milan: Mondadori, 1926), esp. 126-161, for the chapter "Italiani, Francesi e Serbi in Albania."
[6] Tomašević notes about 275,000 Serbs and 25,000 Montenegrins were killed in the armed forces, plus civilian losses, especially to typhus, and he accepts Hersch's estimate of around 750,000 to 800,000 dead for Serbia and Montenegro. Tomašević estimates about 150,000 military deaths for the South Slays in the Dual Monarchy, but notes there is no data on civilian deaths. Nonetheless, given prewar birth rates , he has estimated that while Serbia "lost" 811,300 actual deaths and potential births, Croatia-Slavonia "lost" 251,200 and Dalmatia 34,000. See Jozo Tomašević, Peasants, Politics, and Economic Change in Yugoslavia (Stanford: University Pr., 1955), 222-225.