Born 1922


Born in Slavonska Požega, lives in Zagreb. He published about thirty books of poetry, among others:

POEZIJA [Poetry] 1942, TIŠINA [The Quiet], 1951, MRAV [The Ant] 1952, VREVA [The Crush] 1953, KONJ I KOLA [The Horse and Carriage] 1954, STARA LIKA [The Old Lika] 1955, PORTRETI [The Portraits] 1959, MLIJEČNA STAZA [The Milky Way] 1960, KARLOVAC (1962), NIN (1962), VELIKA LJUBAV [Great Love] 1977, LIPA [The Linden] 1977, SUSRETI [Meetings] 1977, KORZO (1978).






Jelen je ušao u dvoranu

jednome restoranu,

zamolio goste da ustanu,

zamolio goste da oproste,

što nosi na glavi granu.


A stag entered the dining room of a restaurant,

he asked the guests to stand,

he asked the guests to forgive him

for bearing a branch on his head.


Stigao je potpuno miran.

zamolio da muzika svira

i vitka tramvajska lira,

samo da ljudi svuku

zelenu nogu i ruku

i torbicu na klobuku.


He arrived quite peacefully,

asked that the music play on

and asked for a slim streetcar-lyre,

asked only that the men take off

the hunter's-green foot and arm

and the small pouch on the hat.


Tako je slušao, kušao

i rekao svaka čast —

"Od danas sam, bogami, ovdje

ja jedina lovačka vlast!"


So, he listened and tasted

and then—Bravo!, he said:

"From this day on, so help me God,

I am the only hunter's government here!"






Mislim da je bilo jednom u srijedu,

mislim da je bilo jednom u srijedu,

trgovine su bile zatvorene po svome rasporedu,

piljarne i votarne, sve je bilo po nekom cvjetnom redu,


I think it was once on Wednesday,

I think it was once on Wednesday,

the shops, in accordance with their schedule, were closed,

the vegetable and fruit stands too, all in accordance with some flowery order,


kad mi se javila radost, radost na dvije noge,

radost u nekom čudnom očitovanju sloge,

radost kao raskoš sjekutita, radost ko opojne droge,

kad sam vidio ljude toliko različne, toliko slične mnoge:


when the joy appeared to me, the joy on two legs,

the joy with a declaration of concord,

the joy like the incisor's keenness, joy like a narcotic drug,

when I saw so many different people, and so many alike:


žene sa crvenim usnama i ljubičastim licima,

žene na uglu trgova u malim cvjetnicima,

sasma male djevojke, djevojke u kolicima,

noge koje se kao stabljike lire vidicima,

vidike kako se opet šuljaju krajolicima,


women with red lips and rouged cheeks,

women on the corners of the plazas in the small flower gardens,

quite little girls, girls in baby carriages,

legs which spread toward new vistas like stalks,

the perspectives slinking again along the landscapes,


automobile kako mile, u izlogu jedno pile,

jednu košaru s jagodom, jednu košaru s rodom,

jedan vrt, jedan povrtnjak, vlasništvo jednog činčile,

koji se limo hvali sa svojom angora modom,

zdenac koji se potrčao i sad se igra vodom,

tako je meni bilo u kontaktu sa slobodom:


cars as they crawl, and in the storewindow a chicken,

a carton of strawberries, a basket with a stork,

a garden, a vegetable garden, the property of a chinchilla

who in person boasts of her angora fashion,

a well which starts running and now plays with water,

so I was feeling in touch with freedom:


sloboda da mogu disati i bitisati,

sloboda da mogu risati po ivicama,

sloboda da mogu pisati.pticama, pričama,

sloboda da mogu odahnuti, da mogu uzeti menu,

sloboda da mogu kupiti novu opravu ženi,

i k tome čitava hrpa sloboda nenavedenih.


freedom to breathe and exist,

freedom to draw on walls,

freedom to write to the birds, in stories,

freedom to f eel relieved, to take a menu,

freedom to buy a dress for my wife,

and in addition to that a whole lot of unmentioned freedoms.