Born 1922, died 2010


Born in Zlarin, Dalmatia. Lives in Zagreb. Her books of poetry are:

ZORE I VIHORI [Daybreaks and Gales] 1947, PJESME [Poems] 1948, CRNA MASLINA [The Black Olive Tree] 1955, VIDRAMA VJERNA [Faithful to the Otters] 1957, ROPSTVO [Slavery] 1957, PUSTI DA OTPOČINEM [Let Me Rest] 1958, KORAL VRACEN MORU [The Coral Given Back to the Sea] 1959, TI I NIKAD [You and Never] 1959, BILA SAM DJECAK [I Was a Boy] 1962, JAO JUTRO [Alas! Morning] 1963, KONJANIK [The Horseman] 1964, VJETAR TRAKIJE [The Wind of Thrace] 1964, GONG 1966, OTVORENA VRATA [The Open Door] 1968, UKLETI DAŽD [Accursed Rain] 1969, I PROLAZIM ŽIVOTOM [And I Pass Along Through Life] 1972, STID ME JE UMRIJETI [I Am Ashamed to Die] 1974, LJUBAV BIJELA KOST [The Love, a White Bone] 1977.




Ne znam gdje počinje praznina mora.

Ali slutim što je taknuo u tebi i u meni glas

koji je blizu negdje rekao:


I do not know where the emptiness of the sea begins.

But I guess I know the point in me and you touched by the voice which somewhere nearly said:



To je rijeka koja se više ne vrata

u svoj izvor

jer su joj obale dogovorene s nekim nepoznatim

koji čeka u daljini.

There is a river which does not return anymore

to its source

because its banks have an arrangement

with an unknown somebody

who is waiting far away.


To je cvijet koji ne silazi više

u svoj korijen

jer se ondje naselila budućnost.

There is a flower which does not descend anymore

to its root

because there the future is settled.



Šumna trava neizgaženih visoravni,

snijeg na planinama



The noisy grass of the plateaus trampled by nobody,

the snow on the mountains

of violet color.


Osvrni se za sobom i gledaj svoje Nikad

u travi sluha i vida naraslo

u sjeni ruku sustalih, u sjaj, u želje neugasle.

Turn back and look at your Never,

grown up in the grass of hearing and sight,

in the shadow of tied hands, in the glow of unquenchable desire.


Obazri se, prepoznaj svoje Nikad

po iščezlim nizinama prostrto,

I teška misao koju si zanjihao

postat će blaga, jer je kraj nje čovjek

nerazumljiv u svojoj samoći.

Turn around, recognize your Never

spread across the vanished plains.

And the grave thought that you have now set in full swing

will become gentle because near it stands the man

incomprehensible in his solitude.


A kad se on pomakne u Noć

i u veliki uspavani prostor,

ispružit ćeš za njim svoje ruke

i viknuti:

ne odlazi!

And when he moves away into the Night

and into the immense space immersed in sleep

you will extend your hands after him

and cry out:

don't go away!






Izrasli smo sami kao biljke.

I sada smo postali istraživači

zapuštenih predjela mašte nenavikli na poslušnost zlu.

We grew up alone like plants.

And now we have become explorers

of fantasy's desolate regions,

not yet tractable to the world's evil.


Iznikli smo pokraj drumova

i s nama zajedno rastao je strah naš

od divljih kopita koja će nas pregaziti

i od kamen medjašnih koji će razdvojiti

našu mladost.

We sprang up along the highways

and together with us grew our fear

of the wild hooves which will trample us

and of the marker stone which will set bounds

on our youth.


Nitko od nas nema dvije cijele ruke.

Dva netaknuta oka. I srce

u kojem se nije zaustavio jauk.

Not one of us has whole hands.

or two intact eyes. Nor a heart

which has not stifled a moan.


Svijet je u nas ulazio neskladno

i ranjavao je naša čela

zveketom svojih ubojitih istina

i bukom zvijezda zakašnjelih.

The world has entered into us discordantly

and has pounded our foreheads

with the clangor of its murderous truths

and with the din of the belated stars.


Starimo. A bajke idu uz nas

kao stado za ognjem a daljini.

I pjesme su nam takove kao i mi

oteščale i tužne.

We grow old. And the tales accompany us

like a flock moving toward a bonfire in the distance.

And our poems, like ourselves, are

grave and sad.